Buying a Pup?
At this, the most crucial of times, and often the most confusing of times, read the following pages for help in finding a ‘reputable’ breeder and things to ask them to try and increase your chances of a happy, well bred, healthy companion for the next 12/14 years!
What is a ‘typical Labrador – Paint me a picture….’
How to buy a Responsibly bred Labrador Puppy (During Lockdown AND after!)
Advice on writing an introduction email to a breeder
Mouthing – Play biting and ‘puppy aggression’
‘Lockdown Life’ for new puppies (and older dogs)
Explaining Labrador Healthtesting – For Buyers
Sensible Socialising – Not creating an OVERsocial Labrador!
Should I buy a Dog or a Bitch puppy??
Building a Relationship / Preventing Possessiveness
‘Types’ of Labradors – Chunky or Lean?
Puppy Exercise -: How Much is TOO much?