NOW, I took a pin and put it in a list of about five things I desperately want to write Dog Blogs about, and Otter won (I hope thats a good omen for the future!! grin…)! Otter from this…… (and … Continue reading
So much happens here at Chez Wylanbriar on a week to week basis that its crazy that i’m not ‘blogging it’ every second day, but I really wanted to write about a truely lovely day yesterday, saturday 2nd April, at … Continue reading
Hiiiiiii! I bet you thought i’d forgotten you, didn’t you? Go on admit it? I feel horribly guilty because the Blog has suffered for the ability, with this new whizz bang website, to keep it up to date all the … Continue reading
Sometimes I look at Bondy, and think, ‘I am probably the luckiest girl in the world’. Now don’t tell Al I said that, because such cute phrases are meant for your other half, I suppose, really (although many would argue … Continue reading
… An exciting turning point being Bondys first trial. It was quite amusing being head to head with Allan and Fish…. no pressure then! The trial started walked up. It was a freezing day, starting at around minus three and … Continue reading