After a fairly long drawn out whelping, Mia’s babies have arrived! They were born through the night on friday night and into saturday morning. What a lovely lovely family they are and what a gorgeous natural mother she is being…. … Continue reading
….. I do apologise, since I discovered the *wonders* of Facebook, the poor old blog has suffered terribly! This is something I am determinned to get on as by god a lot happens month to month here… but todays news … Continue reading
Life wouldn’t be interesting if we didn’t change like the wind, here at Wylanbriar 😉 In an ideal world, mating Mia late next summer was not what we would of wished for, because we REALLy don’t like shooting season puppies. … Continue reading
APART from all the trialing, training and picking up we have been doing over the last few weeks there have been a few huge changes here at Chez Wylanbriar. Firstly, its been a hard decision, but we decided to spay … Continue reading
NOW, I took a pin and put it in a list of about five things I desperately want to write Dog Blogs about, and Otter won (I hope thats a good omen for the future!! grin…)! Otter from this…… (and … Continue reading