Monday 24th May 2010 The first time I went to Graham Home for training, maybe 6 or 7 months ago, I think some of the things he SAID were as inspired as the actual training methods… and so, driving home round … Continue reading
Friday 14th May 2010 How many times have I written on my ‘Things to do list’ to update the Dog Blog! SO much has happened last few weeks, for example (and its unusual for me to be brief…): * The … Continue reading
Bondy Biscuit Meercat Nickols…. ………………………………………………..>>>>>>> A small, rather wonderful, statue my Mother recently bought me…… The End. 😉
There is SO much to update in the last month – and thankfully most of it GOOD news at last! But today had to say, we got Tom’s hip scores back and he scored 6:3 which is a total of … Continue reading
Losing such a young dog, that you love completely, at her absolute prime of life, in the best condition she has ever been in does not leave you unchanged. I don’t think I will ever quite be the same again. … Continue reading