Yesterday was Reunion day!

I’m desperate for some pictures to put up of it as we are useless with a camera so don’t even own one! So please anyone reading this who took some, and by golly there were some folks there with lovely cameras, a few snaps would be fab!

What a day… WHAT A DAY! exhausting, fantastic, BOILING hot! It couldn’t have been hotter if we held it in the South of France! It was a real worry infact, I only didn’t want RAIN… but instead got the hottest day of the year. However we coped, and can i brag for the umpteeth time, as a credit by no means only to the breeding of the dogs but VERY much to how their owners have raised them, at one point we must of had 35/40 dogs, all off lead, charging round the fenced in field which was about 150yards x 50yards, both sexes, entire, spayed, catastrated…old & young, bold and more introverted, and yet other than the odd snap at a brash lad trying to hump some poor bitch before being extracted, we didn’t have a grumble between the lot of them! Do you know, forget the show wins and working competitions and this and that, alongside the assistance dogs we have produced, I now think THAT is my biggest proudest achievement of all! I may not have produced top winning dogs through the years, but by golly we can throw out a ‘thoroughly nice person’!! 😉 Brag, gloat, brag… I know, but I am proud and that was quite amazing to see!

Some startlingly competitive races ensued, I feel the odd dirty trick and bit of gamemanship might have been taking place but *I* didn’t see it… ha ha ha! I have to say I was hugely impressed by the final 6 in the ‘Longest Stay’ competition. Sitting up whilst I threw dummies around them, sent Bondy for retrieves between them, and even blew a recall whistle!!! Murphy the winner, owned by Di and David Weeks of Winterslow Labradors really deserved it but was driven hard to the tape by several others! A really good bit of fun the dogs enjoyed as a ‘quiet’ner’ at the end of a long long day.

The raffle which everyone so generously supported brought in £108 for Help for Heroes, and I will be sending that off tomorrow as soon as I get a picture to print and send with it to show us all!

People journed from Guernsey, Devon, Wiltshire, Hertfordshire, Birmingham to name just some to be with us and Allan and I are so damn grateful I can’t say! So till I get some pictures to share will hold fire on reporting further…..

On a different note this week has been (puts on Cheryl Tweedy voice…) ‘An emooootional rolllercoooster’. I had a crises of confidence that i could do justice to starting two pups of the same age again so soon after Tom and Bond. We very much need little Mia to follow, hopefully, eventually, in her Mums shoes as Shiney is a magnificent mum but if she is going to throw me 11’s for her litters I only want one more from her! As Mallie said to me when looking over the whelping box at Shiney…. ” ELEVEN? Thats TWO bloody litters isn’t it…? ” …and it is, two litters per litter with that many! Although she does them so brilliant…. she really is a genius!

Anyway I digress (as usual…) So I thought about selling Holden. And for a few days he was back on the website for sale, but then, events consired to make me realise with a bit of organisation and a bit more routine to my training in the week, its perfectly do’able…. Poor Al would love to do the basic training too, but the minute the clocks change he goes to work in the dark and comes home in it, so he is completely unable to lend a hand with the first year of routine hammering in the basics…

Its a tad daunting, not to those who do it all the time, but *I’m* a worrier that I’m wasting some of our dogs by not concentrating enough on each one. Hand on heart Bondy has had more of my time than Tom. Fish had more of my time than Shiney. I bet one of these pups (probably Holden) gets more of my time than the other. But I have decided none of us are perfect and we shall give it a go! Onwards and upwards!

Oh, and it couldn’t last could it?…. the green bloody Laguna took a tumble off its ‘well behaved pedalstal’ the other day. It cheerfully got Al to Wales to train Fish with the Bettinsons, came back, pulled onto the drive, choked….died….and threw oil everywhere. Next morning Mr RAC was called (a ‘best friends and family’ number at our house these days…) and he came, detected the oil problem, fixed it in minutes…. and still it wouldn’t start. Between the hours of 6pm and 8am when Mr RAC got here, it decided to jack in sending diesel to the engine for some reason. Something in these computer driven monsters, is a bit of a snag, you’ll agree. So after an hour of battling we were towed to my garage (whom at, we are such familiar faces, they are thinking of asking us to the staff christmas dinner this year….) The garage worked for a day on it Friday and whilst not actually handing me the log book and patting me on the shoulder at such a sad loss, they are not looking hopeful! So right now we are a: 7 dog, 1 car, 1 useless green piece of French trash and 1 new small cement mixer (deep joy!) family!

Thought for the day -: Please don’t buy a 2006 Laguna. However happy you are otherwise, it will bankrupt you and wreak your life!! 😉

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Had a really smashing weekend.

After the excitement of Thursday and the win at the LRC we went into a busy dog weekend buzzing!

Ran Fish and Mallie in the Arun and Downland Brace Test on Saturday – a great fun event where you run in tests that minic shooting situations and have to have both dogs (ideally) picking the different retrieves at the same time, so rather than one retrieves, then send the other, actually have one on the way out and one coming back simaltainiously. Tricky! Fish took a couple of tests to get into the groove of the idea but then both were very good and we ended up 6th of 16 so that was lovely!

Sunday saw me judging the KSSLRC Puppy/Veteran/NDNH tests, and saw some really lovely dogs, especially the oldun’s! My fellow judges were great fun and the sun shone and you couldn’t ask for a better venue than Broadwater Farm, so altogether… brilliant!

Whilst poor Al puppy sat and did a load of overtime at work! Still hes been having all the fun other weekends… and I still haven’t *quite* forgiven the week long Fishing holiday when the pups were just 6 weeks old and KNACKERING!  😉

I have got a picture of the LRC test, the Special Puppy award winners, by Sharon Rogers – Myself, Mathew Ager in 3rd and Keith Broomfield in 4th:

Nice dogs………Sorry for having Blue Jeans on! I didn’t expect to win and end up in yearbooks!!! How very ‘UNcountryside Code of Dress!!!’  Bondy is sitting well back because, typical Bondy, he decided, completely randomly, that the trophy was to be scared of…. so decided to avoid all eye contact with it…. The mad crazy Cat! 😉

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You only have a few days like these!!

Thursday 17th June 2010

Bondys first working test today, and we trundled up North to Bicester-way, to the Labrador Retriever Club Water tests (their only annual working test) with the expectation of finding out where we stood in gaps in training. And hoping the Fish might have a decent shout as an older ‘Special Puppy;’ at 20 months. Just a wonderful day. Superb ground, whipped through fairly promply…. and Bondy WON with straight ’20’s!!  Good boy! What a good boy! He didn’t seem particularly phased by anything, and loved the social occasion, showing off terribly between tests like the HUGE Character he REALLY is… 😉

Fish was called to a run off, having gone well but I had a sneeking suspicion that Bondy had gone a bit better. Just a bit ‘cleaner’ if you know what I mean…? But then you never know what place a run off is to decide for, AND you never quite know what the judges see that maybe you don’t….. but for Fish to be called in Second…and then first too was just brilliant! So Bondy won and Fish was second. A cloud inducing, ‘the future is bright, the future is YELLOW’ inducing day….  😉 Thank you more to those I rung and text first to tell (you know who you guys are….) than anything!

I think Fish was a bit pissed being beaten by his kid brother… so i swear I saw him poking Bondy every time the poor tired Meercat fell asleep all the 150 miles home! 😉

Bloody great!!!! This is what we slog for…. days like these!!!

REALLY? We WON did we? Well what did you expect??!!  😉   😉

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‘Noone is ever good at something by accident’

Monday 24th May 2010

The first time I went to Graham Home for training, maybe 6 or 7 months ago, I think some of the things he SAID were as inspired as the actual training methods… and so, driving home round the M25, listening (I regret to freely admit) to Radio 4, ‘Thought for the Day’, it was truly meaningful when the catchline……:

‘Noone is ever good at something by accident’

……was driven home. It clearly matched Grahams view, that short and sweet, hard work, and basically what you put in, you get out, brought dogs to being good at this wonderful game we play.  I immediately put that phrase as my catchline that comes up when I turn my mobile phone on as a ‘greeting’. I liked it. Very much.

Now I don’t turn my mobile phone OFF very often (usually only when it gets soaking wet when I text away, merrily, in the pouring rain whilst walking the dogs, then wonder why its making funny noises, gurggling and the screen has some wiggly lines across it and little else….. 😉 But today my battery ran out and so I charged it up and switched it back on. And there it was…. that natty little greeting….. ‘Noone is ever good at anything by accident….’

Made me think. Proper think! We went to a brilliant SEGS water training day on saturday and Bondy really was a super little bloke all morning. Sat up like a lamb, as mute as a monk, then when sent, really tried hard and thought about what I wanted. He held his own in a group of dogs twice his age, and made me extremely proud. He is certainly further ‘forward’ at a year of age than any dog i’ve ever owned or worked.  And it made me think…. I think, singluarly, without a doubt, that is for three reasons:

1) My three trainers, Gilly, Graham and Robert that I go to as regularly as possible, have given me the confidence, the push, the problem solving techniques and the bollockings (grin) to bring Bondy on quicker and more cleanly than any previous Wylanbriar. As regards Gilly and Robert by way of my previous dogs as WELL as the current ones, nagging me out of my bad habits (Mostly! Chuckle…) and Graham, more recently, but hugely influentially.

In the past, I would get so confused. I’d listen to everyone, go to lots of club classes, swap and change methods, and ideas and whilst that can be GOOD, it can also completely spin you out, even when you’ve been doing this for some years. So to settle on methods that work, and enjoy having the confidence on the occasion i go elsewhere, to not feel the need to ‘change everything’ for an evening, confusing the dog, and myself (!!) has paid dividends.

2) Bondy is royally trial bred and genuinely, learns and retains information at a pace no other dog i’ve owned has. He tends not to need ‘carrying’ although he is happy to ‘ask’ if hes not sure…. but he rarely freezes, and usually throws his coin in the air, picks ‘heads’ or ‘tails’ and at least does SOMETHING rather than ‘nothing’ if he doesn’t quite understand what I want. the part and all showbred dogs tend to ‘freeze’, afraid to jump into the unknown for whatever reason (because, with me, soppy sod that I am, its almost certainly not out of fear of a rollocking!)

3) I’ve slogged my guts out training him. Honest! Not that its been any sort of a hardship! Whatever the weather, possibly at the detriment of the other dogs to a certain extent.

I’ve put *it* in, and so, one day, maybe….. possible…… hopefully, I’ll get it back. IF, in time, Bondy is ‘good’ (and now my own personal benchmark for ‘good’ is pretty high I have to say), then it WON’T be by accident…..   😉   😉

No pressure there then my little yellow angel its just we now have to keep it up!   😉


Other news from the ranch!

Tommy and Madison up a tree…. K*I*S*S*I*N*G   😉   Tommy is now, officially a *MAN*. Twice!  (We are naming him ‘Tommy Two Shags Twoshoes’)   😉    He took a short time to decide he liked the job as a hobby, but once … away….. now you can’t hold him back! Typically, as a teenager, he now thinks he invented sex. Nothing you could possibly tell him about it! Fish roaring with rage shut in the spare bedroom probably gave him the boot up the backside he needed….. and so, when she floated gracefully, (but very tartily) back his way, yesterday, he was, the preverbial, ‘rat up a drainpipe’   😉 Clever bloke. Good lad. 😉   Bondy went for his hip and elbow xrays last week so watch this space   😉

Fish. Our Fish. Fishy-Wish. The Fish Meister…. or Fat Rat as I so affectionately seem to have pulled out the air (as he is very much neither ‘fat’ nor remotely ‘ratlike!’). He went with dad to Mark and Jamie Bettisons in Wales last week by kind invitation of Lindsey Davis which was hugely kind. Boy did they have a GREAT day! Allan says it bonded them in a manly fashion! With his taxing work schedule Al has found it hard to gel with the boy, and also, importantly actually get out training. So, I’m sure he won’t mind me saying, some of their test performances, although generally good, haven’t been ‘brilliant’ in the way we would of liked them to be. So the light evenings are now presenting the best possible opportunity to get out training, and hopefully create them the partnership that will move them where Allan so hopes to be, Novice trialing in a respectable manner by the middle of the winter. We shall see!  I have twisted his arm and Fish and I have the SEGS Novice water test in a couple of weeks, and I am running him and Mallie in a Brace test in about a month so lots to look forward to.

Bondys first Puppy test looms ever closer too, and darling mallie, who admittedly has NOT had the work put in she ought to of had, is running this Sunday with me in the Bakadam Open. Always a friendly, hardworking club, and we are looking forward to it.

The Titchy Tadpoles are FANTASTIC! Fat little eating and playing machines and they are completely adoreable (if loud, smelly, bitey and all utter clones of one another so impossible to tell apart! Grin!) More on them as they turn into ‘proper people’ now they have turned 4 weeks……

‘Haaaaaaaa! ha ha ha!!!’

Altogether now please…….. ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………..’    😉

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Friday 14th May 2010

Friday 14th May 2010

How many times have I written on my ‘Things to do list’ to update the Dog Blog! SO much has happened last few weeks, for example (and its unusual for me to be brief…):

* The Tiny Tadpoles were born, all 11 of them! At 3 weeks they are doing brilliantly, and so is a (slightly weary) Shiney!

* Fish was 3rd in the Bakadam Novice Working Test and has run in several others.

* Tom had his Hips and Elbow scores back –  3:6 Hips and 0:0 Elbows (back today!) and his first wife looms close enough for him to feel the need to get the iron out to run it over his best ‘shagging’ trousers, recently inherited, (although a few sizes too big) from his Grandad, Deeds!

* We have decided to stand down from UGS at the end of the working test season to concentrate for a couple of years on running OUR young dogs! Never an easy decision, but the right one.

* We decided to keep a dog and a bitch from Shineys litter and named them (whoever they may be in the big crowd!) ‘Mia’  and  ‘Holden’  (unusual but not outrageous! I mean, who would call a dog FISH for gods sake…??? Wink!)

* We’ve had some superb training sessions with Gilly Nickols, Robert Worrall and Graham Home, our long suffering trainers, and I have to say Bondy has grown up and come on immeasureably! Its probably time we hit a wall or I will think he is MORE than perfect (he was only PERFECT before this training spurt!)

* The (bloody) green car has run for a good couple of months without breaking down….! I know… I know! Thats me being towed by the RAC within minutes….!!

….And I’d elaborate, but we are just off now for the posh SEGS annual dinner to rub shoulders with people who handle dogs WAYYY better than us but we can probably drink under the table (something to be proud of…. hmmmm…!) …. ha ha ha!! Cheers everyone!!

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