Wylanbriar Gundog Training
We are Wylanbriar Gundog Training for gundog training of ALL levels from Puppy (at 12 weeks onwards) through total beginners, novices, and then more experienced Retrievers, Spaniels and HPR gundog breeds and first crosses of gundog breeds.
We also offer a wide range of ‘Fundog’ classes which are focused more on solid pet manners with no retrieving etc.
Later stages of Gundog Training are about retrieving, and all matters relating to that side of things, but all Puppy and Beginner class work, ‘Gundog’ or ‘Fundog’, is about manners, self control, and all the basics of nailing heel, stay and recall… and importantly, controlling adrenaline around dogs, people and the outdoors environment.
The business is run and all dates are run and advertised through our large, friendly, Facebook group ‘Wylanbriar Gundog Training’ and all new dates are posted in there every 8 weeks.
You may have already joined, if not please do, you don’t have to ‘take part’ but its where all our information and help is gathered and given. I know facebook isn’t for everyone, and I’m sorry if its not for you, but I’m afraid the business is now too large to run any other way, with 10-15 classes run a week, plus Zoom seminars, training days and longer courses for all levels.
Our all year round, puppy class starts from 12 weeks, then Beginner classes start from 6months of age (although we have many, many, much older dogs join us, as complete beginners, at all stages of their life!). Unfortunately we cannot offer one to ones as time does not permit.
We have 7 different grounds around West and East Sussex and classes are rotated around them.
We also do offer, spring and summer, advanced training trips away in different, beautiful parts of the country.
Don’t be put off by the ‘Gundog Training‘ label! This is PURELY the BREEDS we train…. our client base are ALL family dogs with all the usual problems that active family and pet dog life, both at home and on walks, throws at the owners!
We may not be labelled a ‘positive only’ training company, but we are constructive, businesslike and kind and get hugely positive RESULTS!
All dates can only be seen, and bookings can only be placed in the FB group via our easy to use system. We have a masterlist of classes for the next two months with links to book. Hope to see you request to join us there.
Best wishes!
Di and the Wylanbriar Gundog Training team – Cathy, Helen and Mell.